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Can Water Affect Your Skin?

Can water give you healthy skin? Will it create beautiful skin and a younger-looking complexion? While it’s a fact that water is essential to life and is required by the body to work properly, the idea that water can make your skin glow remains questionable. Why is this so? Let’s look at the facts.

Several people believe that drinking huge amounts of water will keep the skin hydrated and prevent dryness. Others say that this practice keeps wrinkles at bay and makes a person look young because it contributes to skin elasticity and suppleness.

But many experts are debunking these claims. Unless one is extremely dehydrated, critics say that drinking large amounts of water won’t prevent dry skin. They point out that the moisture level of the skin is not influenced by internal factors but depends on external factors like skin cleansing, the environment and the number of oil glands. All these have a say on how dry your skin is. The same experts add that drinking water won’t reach the epidermis since water moves quickly in the body until it goes out with urine. For dry skin, treat the problem from the outside with a good moisturizer or lotion. This reduces water loss from the skin.

How about spraying water on the skin? Will this put an end to dryness? Again, this is debatable. Some cling to the belief that this habit will help hydrate the skin and prevent dryness. But experts agree that a good moisturizer is enough to prevent moisture from escaping from the skin. There’s no need to wet the skin constantly. It also helps if you check the environment to make sure that it isn't dry. Moisture in the air will prevent water loss from the skin.

In summary, how does water help the skin? There is one real benefit. While drinking water won’t alter your looks or make you look younger, this life-giving liquid eliminates toxins from the body that result in acne and other skin ailments. Cleaning the body internally with water will reduce acne breakouts and leave you with beautiful skin.


  1. Water may help especially in the hot, dry months. I hope we preserve the environment so we will have a clean water source for our consumption in the coming years

  2. Well that clears a lot of things, doesn't it? I used to believe that same thing - that drinking lots of water will make my skin beautiful. Well, at least it does help against acne breakouts. :)

  3. i have read about the benefits of being well hydrated to the skin, so water is my instant pick an ideal thirst quencher!

  4. I drink lots of water, around 4-6 liters a day. I can tell based on my skin (dry or supple) when I haven't had enough to drink that day. Also when I feel terrible, I know I haven't had enough water.

  5. I've likewise read an article similar to this. But, personally, I am really huge in drinking water, and I believe that this practice is really helping me stay healthier and younger-looking! :)

  6. I read the article about the girl who drank 3 liters of water for three months, I think, and there was a huge difference in her skin, as seen from her before and after photos. I am trying this and I'm trying to sustain it, the skin on my face does feel a little softer, although I'm not sure if it's the wet weather or the moisturizer, hehe! But, it does feel good to flush out the toxins.

  7. I'm a water drinker. For me, water is more thirst quencher compared to sodas or juices. It it makes my skin more healthy and younger looking then that is already a plus factor.

  8. I drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. I also advice my daughter to do the same.

  9. I'm not a huge water drinker, which is something I've been hoping to change. Been trying my best to drink more everyday.

  10. I think everything should be taken in moderation. We should not drink too much or too little water.

  11. This is one of the things I really need to get used to. I dont like water that much kasi used to cola ako.. Sana maging water drinker nako:)

  12. Water is essential to a good diet, which I guess improves how you look in general :)


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